Religious Education

Our Religious Education Program is offered to our students in grades 1 through 8.

Like any program, academic,music,sports, etc., our program is built on 8 years of preparing and receiving the Sacraments as well as learning the many different facets of our Faith.
Each year is a building block on another, guiding our children through the Sacraments, the Bible, the teachings of Jesus and the Church. Most importantly, it assists our young people in becoming aware of what living a Catholic life truly means, especially in today's challenging times.
In order to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, in second grade, your child must begin with our first grade program. 
Our Confirmation consists of two years of preparation. Students must attend both seventh and eighth grade religious ed in order to receive Confirmation in the Spring of 8th grade.
If your child(ren) have missed their sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation or First Communion, please call the religious ed office at 401-846-4926 or email Michele Pickering, Director of Religious Education,
For any other questions or concerns, please call or email Michele.
Religious Education Registration Form 2023-2024
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Candidate’s Registration Form



The Catholic Faith Formation of St. Mary’s Parish, inspired by the love of Jesus Christ, is committed to build a strong Foundation of Faith for the children and youth in the parish.  Faith development begins in the home and parents are the primary teachers and models of our faith. The goal of our religious education program is to assist in the development and growth in their faith, bringing about in our children a deeper knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and drawing our young people into a deeper relationship with God through active participation in the life and ministry of the Church.



We will no longer be holding summer sessions.  Religious Education will take place during the academic year.



Mass Attendance is always the top priority of our Religious Education Program and sould be top priority of your family.  Religious Education only works if families take the faith seriously and that means going to Church as a family.  Pleas emake the effort to set aside either Saturday nights at 5:15PM or Sunday Mornings at 8:00AM or 11:00AM to come to MAss with your children.



Our Sacramental program for Solemn Penance and First Eucharist is scheduled for students in the second grade. Preparation for Solemn Penance is now combined with preparation for the Sacrament of First Eucharist as per new Diocesan instruction.



Our Confirmation Program continues as a two year program for 8th and 9th grade.  Classroom time will be a requirement.