Parish Ministries



Interested in volunteering? Follow this link to download our Parish Volunteer and Ministries Form.

Members of this ministry assist in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Mass. At each Mass it is optimal to have at least six volunteers. Members can agree to be put on a schedule or can opt to check-in before each Mass to see if we need assistance. 

We need two lectors to proclaim the readings at each Mass. Workbooks with reading hints and pronunciation guides are provided. If you have public speaking experience, then please consider volunteering for this vital ministry.

Ushers greet parishioners and guests as they enter the church and then seat them. Ushers ensure that the church doors are unlocked, the lights are on, the church pews are in order, the gates to the parking lots are unlocked and then relocked after mass, assist in passing the baskets, as well as other behind-the-scenes duties.  

The Parish Choir is a mixed group of men and women of all ages and backgrounds, including several professionally trained singers. The choir sings a wide range of music, including Gregorian Chant, Renaissance Motets, Victorian Anthems, and modern compositions. The choir rehearses Thursday at 6:30pm in the parish center, and sings every Sunday at the 11am Mass and Holy Day Masses. Anyone age 18 and older with a love for singing and the ability to make a serious commitment is welcome.

Members of the Ministry of Consolation serve in many ways: sing at funeral masses, set up for funerals, greet guests as they arrive, and distribute the Holy Eucharist.

Members of this ministry visit parishioners in their homes or nursing facilities. This ministry is our way of reaching out to those who long to be with us at Mass but are unable. Members can create their own schedules as well as agree to the number of households they visit per week. 

Altar Servers Wanted! Boy's and girl's who have received their First Holy Communion are encouraged to participate in this ministry. Participants will be encouraged to serve the masses that their family usually attends. It will be a very flexible schedule for families involved. It's simple, fun and a great opportunity for youth leadership. Our children are the church of today. Please call the parish office if you are interested.

* Adult Altar Servers are invited to assist at Funerals. Please call the Parish Office for this ministry and Fr. Mark will contact you directly.   


Members of the Parish and Finance Councils listen to the pulse of the parish and advise and assist the Pastor to be successful in our mission.

Members of the Respect Life Committee represent St. Mary's in Pro-Life events and also communicate. They also assist in our yearly ROSE sale.

Members of this ministry assist in the changing and cleaning of all the linens that are used at Mass. They also help decorate the church for the major liturgical seasons.